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Pakistan Pavilion is a manifest of the country’s best talent, and Mahira Khan and Ahad Raza Mir are honoured to join the Pakistan Expo 2020 team as the Official Pavilion Ambassadors.

Taking to social media, Mahira and Ahad shared the official teaser of their journey with them.

“Pakistan Pavilion, a manifest of the country’s best talent! Thank you for choosing me and Ahad as the Official Pavilion Ambassadors to join the team in unraveling the Hidden Treasures of Pakistan at Expo2020,” wrote Mahira.

“Here’s a teaser of my journey with them. Truly a magical experience. So proud of the Pakistan Pavilion and all the artists, organizers, curators, musicians and filmmakers that have come together to make it one of the best pavilions at Dubai expo 2020!”



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“The Pakistan Pavilion, a manifest of what makes the country such a unique spectacle. Mahira and I are so honoured to be the Official Pavilion Ambassadors and join the team in unravelling the Hidden Treasures of Pakistan at Expo2020,” wrote Ahad on Instagram, thanking UAE for its constant efforts into bringing unity and harmony within countries, cultures and people.



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Mahira and Ahad visited the Pavilion and were truly impressed by the magical experience.

While talking to the media, Mahira shared that it has been a pleasure. “I feel so proud to be the official Pavilion Ambassador. It’s been such a pleasure going around the Pavilion from the landscapes to the rich history and the diversity you see, you will be amazed that what all Pakistan has. It really is a Hidden Treasure.”

“It is great that Ministry of Commerce took this initiative and took the amazing talent in Pakistan on board and supported them,” the superstar further added.

Ahad Raza Mir also had shared similar sentiments.

“Honestly, I am speechless. I thought that I have seen a lot of Pakistan during my work but after going through the Pavilion today, I realized how much there is left to explore. I think this whole initiative of the government is fantastic. I am just very proud today and the pavilion gave me the feeling of Pakistan that I always wanted to see and the Pakistan I believe in,” he shared.

During the course of Expo 2020, Mahira and Ahad would be supporting the team in highlighting Pakistan’s hidden treasures to promote tourism.

Read More: “Proud to have created the soundtrack for the Pakistan Pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2020,” shares Rohail Hyatt

Dubai Expo 2020 began on October 1 and the Pakistani Pavilion became an instant hit under the theme of “Pakistan’s Hidden Treasures”. The pavilion covers eight key spaces portraying the country’s history, religious diversity, culture, landscape, and wildlife, among others.


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