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Saba Qamar and Bilal Saeed became the centre of criticism last year in August for shooting a music video inside Wazir Khan Mosque in Lahore. Despite apologies issued by both artists for hurting religious sentiments in this said music video inside a mosque, an FIR was registered against them.

More than a year later, the news of their arrest warrant started circulating again this week. However, a press release shared by Saba Qamar and Bilal Saeed states that NO arrest warrant has been issued.

According to the press release, the artists had applied for withdrawal and cancellations of bailable warrants on September 8, 2021. The application was accepted by the Court on September 9, 2021.



“To clarify, at no point were any directions issued to law enforcement for the arrest of our clients,” asserts the press release.



“We would, therefore, request all media outlets to exercise diligence and conduct verification before reporting any orders of the Honourable Court in order to prevent the dissemination of false news that poses a significant and detrimental risk to the lives, liberty and well-being of our clients,” states the press release referring to the false news being reported by several media outlets.

The video in question is Qubool which is a melodious number depicting Saba and Bilal as a couple who have been married for a year and the wife is now suspecting her husband’s loyalty because he is constantly on the phone. The music video portrays the wife’s distrust, jealousy and doubt in a beautiful way as the lyrics narrate feelings from both partners.



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