Naila Jaffery, a senior actor who has given some great performances to the entertainment industry is currently fighting for her life and survival. She is battling ovarian cancer and is struggling with finances to proceed with her treatment.
In a video posted on Twitter by her friend and filmmaker Furqan Siddiqui, the star can be heard asking for financial help. Naila requested royalties for the re-runs of her dramas to pay for the treatment.
“When I first joined PTV, I remember that the broadcasters would pay us royalties for re-runs of our old shows,” reminisced the actor. “And though it wasn’t a lot, receiving that extra bit of money always felt great,” she said.
The experienced actor shared that the last serial she did has run on-air some six times over the last six or four years. “For those re-runs, we should’ve been paid royalties,” she said adding that the royalties would have made her bearing the expenses of her fight easier.
“A lot of other people might not need such money, but when you haven’t been working for a while, and have no support, these things become very important,” she said.
She included ex-actors and also athletes and other contributors to the field of art in her appeal.
My dear friend and a renowned TV actor Naila Jafri has been fighting Cancer since last 6 years. The battle is very expensive. In this video she requests if the channel owners pay royalty to her previous work’s re runs it will be of great help to her.
— Furqan T. Siddiqui (@furqantsiddiqui) April 4, 2021
The video went viral and created an uproar on social media. Sindh Minister for Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities Sardar Shah also responded to the plea and announced that his department would bear all expenses of Naila Jaffery’s treatment who is fighting ovarian cancer since 2016.
Several celebrities also raised their concerns.
“I appreciate your gesture but we demand a long term solution, we deserve royalties, not charity,” replied Zara Tareen who feels that artists shouldn’t be put in a situation where they have to ask for help.
The culture department should also put the topic of royalties on the table, she nor most actors would have to ask for charity. I appreciate your gesture but we demand a long term solution, we deserve royalties not charity.
— Zara Tareen (@ztareen) April 6, 2021
“Royalties are meant to feed artists for life but in PK we are heartbreakingly forsaken. #NailaJafri shouldn’t have had to publicly request for what is hers on her cancer bed,” shared Ushna Shah.
She went on to add that “artists deserve royalties for their art, a retirement plan, a union, an insurance for difficult times, a dignified pension, like every other hardworking person on this planet”.
Royalties are meant to feed artists for life but in PK we are heartbreakingly forsaken. #NailaJafri shouldn't have had to publicly request for what is hers on her cancer bed. Many artists have relied on the kindness of samaritan fans once their distress was made public. 1/2
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) April 6, 2021
Pride of Performance recipient, writer, actor, director and producer, Rashid Mahmood also shared the post asking the Prime Minister to look into the matter.
A Renowned TV actor Naila Jafri has been fighting Cancer since last 6 years. The battle is very expensive. In this video she requests if the channel owners pay Royalty to her previous work’s re runs it will be of great help to her. #Nailajafri @ImranKhanPTI @SyedAmarpk
— RASHID MAHMOOD (@RashidMahmoodPK) April 4, 2021
Sabeeka Imam also shared her concern. “Dear channel owners, please have it in your hearts to at least give her what she’s due. I am certain Allah will reward you with more!!!” she wrote.
This is so heartbreaking. I have worked with her and she is the sweetest person. Dear channel owners, please have it in your hearts to atleast give her what she's due. I am certain Allah will reward you with more!!! LOVE YOU NAILA JEE!!!
— Sabeeka Imam (@SabeekaImam) April 4, 2021
Faysal Qureshi, Yasir Hussain, Ayesha Omar, Mikaal Zulfikar among many others also raised their voices in support.