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Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai is now on TikTok!

Yes, this may come as a surprise as many would wonder why the activist has joined the trending Chinese mobile application, which is popularly used by social media influencers and YouTubers to create fun content. Interestingly, Malala hasn’t just jumped on the bandwagon but this step has a noble intention i.e. to ask for donations for her charitable fund.

In her first TikTok video, Malala introduced herself to a new audience and said: “Hi TikTok. My name is Malala Yousafzai. I am 23 years old and I’m a girl’s education activist. Some of you might already know me, you might have heard my UN speech or might have read my book, ‘I am Malala’.”



In her brief session, she shared with the world some of her favourite things. ““I like shoes, comedy, reading books and I also do campaigning and advocacy for 12 years of safe, quality and free education for all girls around the world,” she said.

Read: Malala Yousafzai joins Beyoncé and other celebrities for a UN film on global issues

The Oxford graduate shared the cause #GivingTuesday that stands for generosity to donate for all-girls’ education. She later urged the viewers to show their support and donate to the fundraiser and in return, she will answer any questions that her followers will send her way.

This is indeed a very intelligent use of a viral app and we wish her the best!

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