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The King of Bollywood has garnered fans from all over the globe, and it looks like he has found his latest fan in WWE wrestler John Cena, who was inspired by Shah Rukh Khan’s TED Talk titled “Thoughts on Humanity, Fame and Love.”

John Cena took to Twitter to share the witty, and inspiring video. “Very glad I stumbled across it,” he wrote.


Hilarity ensued as Shah Rukh in a play on words, thanked John Cena for “taking out the time to ‘See’ it,” referring to the wrestler’s famous taunt, “You can’t see me.”



Also read: Salman Khan beats Shah Rukh Khan on Forbes India Highest Earning Celebrity 100 list

The witty banter pursued as John responded, “Your perspective on life is one I strive to attain, that, and being visible of course.”



The two should consider doing some standup comedy together!

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