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Home 1947 – an exhibition on Partition by Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, in collaboration with The Citizens Archive of Pakistan, is currently taking place at Dolmen Mall, Clifton and will continue until the 15th of January, next year.
As the name suggests, Home 1947 is a compilation of first-hand experiences by different people whose lives drastically changed post-Partition time. How they lost a home which was dear to them and how in the process they were robbed of their identity in a moment’s time.
The harrowing experiences narrated in the short two-minute documentaries make one realize how much was lost and how people still managed to live through it all despite being scarred for life. It is an ode to that generation who along with all the struggles they faced, managed to give their children a life they once had dreamt for themselves.

An installation exhibit from the collection.

The installation features a mini pop-up exhibition comprising mini suitcases of handwritten letters, a pocket mirror, paan-daan, some old black and white photographs along with a set of empty cologne bottles and a traditional tobacco filled pipe, which from the looks of it, seemed to belong to a man of class.
All these remnants of memories give you a taste of what it must have been like to be part of that era that could never be made new again. 


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