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Our celebrity star fashionistas have of late adopted the sari as a style staple and we definitely aren’t complaining. The 6-yard garment, worn in various ways from sexy to Sati Savitri, is a no-brainer for almost every occasion. It should be (and often is) every woman’s go to when there’s nothing else to wear.


Zara Noor Abbas has been headlining style columns with her recent choice of saris.







The first, a fiery shade of pink worn at a brunch hosted by Rafay Rashidi for Hum TV’s Sultana Siddiqui, was an immediate head turner. Worn with a full sleeve and fuss free silk blouse, the satin sari was glamour done right but perhaps at the wrong time of the day. The colour was too harsh for the afternoon sun and would have worked better at an evening do. What softened the look was Zara’s lovely and amiable personality so we can’t complain too much. At the end of the day, we loved the look.






Zara’s second sari was a nude, sequined number that she wore to Saboor Ali and Ali Ansari’s afternoon nikkah ceremony. The colour on this sari was lovely for an afternoon event, the look perfected by emerald statement jewellery. Zara added an avante garde pop of colour with a knee length over-sized turquoise silk jacket, which immediately lent the look a quirky element. While we loved the impact, we didn’t quite get the odd one-shoulder way of wearing the jacket, as if caught midway while dressing. We first thought it was a pose for a picture but she seemed to continue wearing it this way throughout the afternoon. Wasn’t it inconvenient, we wanted to ask? The norm is to perch a statement jacket on both shoulders or then fling it over one arm if not wearing it…but then we’re not one looking for norms. You rock Zara!


Verdict: Haute!


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