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In hopes to educate women of Pakistan about their legal rights, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Films started a public service campaign in 2018 titled Aagahi. Having shed light upon many legal rights issues pertaining to women, the sixth short animated film from the series deals with the subject of Filing for Divorce [Khula Laynay Ka Tareeqa].

Read: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy sheds light on the rights of women in Nikkahnama 

Voiced by Pakistani actress Aamina Sheikh, the video extensively explains the rights women have while they file for divorce. From the legal procedures, keeping the money granted in mehr to the legal custody of children, this documentary explains every matter in detail.



Source: SOC PR


Aagahi is a campaign which will include 14 short-animated films and so far matters like domestic violence, explaining the marriage contract [Nikkahnama], the difference between divorce and khula and filing for khula have been extensively addressed.

The series will continue to cover topics in light of the law, legislation and the safety available for the victim. For further assistance or help important helplines for legal support, counselling services and shelters for women are included in the video.

Watch the detailed film:

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