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Priyanka Chopra has been evading the question about attending the royal wedding for a while now, however, it seems she’s finally ready to reveal more! Amidst speculations of whether or not Priyanka Chopra will attend the royal wedding of Prince Harry with Meghan Markle, she let it out in a live chat on Instagram.

In a live chat on Instagram from InStyle magazine’s account she said, that she was ‘scammed’ into accepting that she will attend Meghan Markle’s wedding.

“I am only concerned about the hat, I don’t know if I’ll be cute in a hat,” Priyanka said.

Currently on a promotional spree for the third season of the popular series, Quantico, Priyanka also talked on Good Morning America about what she’s planning to give Meghan on her wedding day as gift.

“I’ve been struggling with that myself! I think you just have to think about the person you’re getting the gift for,” she said. “Because really, what do you give a Princess? You think you should give a princess a frog? Most princesses like frogs! We’ll have to think about this one.”

We really hope P.C. isn’t gifting a frog to Prince Harry and Meghan, to say the least!

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