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On Tuesday night, the news of musician Ali Noor’s health scare shook everyone in the industry. According to various social media posts on Ali Noor’s official pages, the frontman of popular rock band Noori has been admitted to the hospital in critical condition and is in urgent need of a liver donor.

Ali Noor’s cousin and fellow musician Rakae Jamil posted a social media post appealing for donors within the next 48 hours in Islamabad revealing that the singer has been diagnosed with acute liver failure. Ali Noor’s uncle Azam Jamil also shared a similar status on Twitter.



This was followed by many celebrities and Ali’s friends appealing for liver donations and soon his brother, Ali Hamza issued a public statement to clarify that fans and friends should not panic.

“He [Ali Noor] has suffered an intense bout of Hepatitis A. There is possibility of liver damage, but he’s being monitored by the best in the business,” he wrote on Facebook.

“As for needing a liver donor, the doctors are saying that we do need to have people on standby, but they can only be family members – our local law does not allow outside of family donors. But more than any thing, most probably, Inshallah Inshallah we won’t have to go that route. We are already seeing improvement in Ali Noor’s condition,” he added.

However, Ali Hamza requested everyone to pray for Ali Noor’s recovery.

“What we need are prayers from everyone that Ali Noor recovers in full form!” he wrote.



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