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Mahirah Khan and Feeha Jamshed dreaming of Bombay in Karachi?

Sulking celebrities? Of course not! Of all the people you bump into at places, Mahirah and Feeha are two of the most pleasant. “Why not Karachi Dreams?” Mahirah laughed out from where she was seated in the Arts Council for Shah Sharabeel’s Bombay Dreams and one has to agree. Look out for Instep Today for a detailed observation on that.

Back to the girls, it may not be apparent in this picture, but Mahirah’s ‘look’ set the tradition for style this year. Very sixties, she wore her trousers in drainpipe and her cotton top short. 2011 will be about streamlined, power dressing as opposed to the fuss and frill of the last two years. And Mahirah is about to become the most powerful young celebrity in Pakistan with her debut in Shoaib Mansoor’s Bol up and coming up ahead.

“Only Shoaib Sa’ab – not even God – knows when the film is releasing,” she whispered to me with a smile. We can believe that but for all those who are waiting eagerly, visit YouTube for the ads and promos!

(Mahirah is wearing Teejays from Feeha’s last collection…pick up on the trend now people!)

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