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Fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee withdrew the controversial campaign for its mangalsutra collection on Sunday after Madhya Pradesh home minister Narottam Mishra issued a “24-hour ultimatum” and threatened to send the “police force”.

“I have warned earlier about such advertisements. I am personally warning designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee, giving him a 24-hour ultimatum. If this objectionable and obscene advertisement is not withdrawn, then a case will be registered against him and legal action will be taken. The police force will be sent for the action,” stated the minister while speaking to the media.

He called the advertisement ‘objectionable’ and said the mangalsutra is “jewellery of paramount importance”.

“Why do such painful incidents take place only with Hindu symbols? If Mukherjee has courage, he should do it with some other religion, then we will understand that he is a real brave man,” Narottam Mishra added.

Responding to the backlash, the ad was taken down and an official clarification was posted by the label.

“In the context of making heritage and culture a dynamic conversation, the Mangalsutra campaign aimed to talk about inclusivity and empowerment. The campaign was intended as a celebration and we are deeply saddened that it has instead offended a section of our society. So we at Sabyasachi have decided to withdraw the campaign,” the designer’s company posted in an Instagram story.




The mangalsutra advertisement by Sabyasachi featured a woman wearing a low-neckline dress and posing in an intimate position with a man.


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