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After making a name for himself by staying behind the camera (as a director with multiple TVCs as well as renown music videos, one of which won him the Lux Style Award for Best Music Video Director) Adnan Malik eventually ventured into projects that would feature him in front of the camera too.

The director-turned-actor managed to impress with his role in Sadqay Tumharay with Mahira Khan and then in Dil Banjara with Sanam Saeed. He also signed up as Sapphire Man so we got to see more of him in fashion campaigns too.

Adnan is now set to make his big screen debut in Cake, alongside Sanam Saeed and Aamina Sheikh and despite the odd name, the film does appear to be interesting.

Read: Icing the cake with Aamina Sheikh, Adnan Malik, and Sanam Saeed

The film is said to be a ‘coming of age film’, and according to everything we’ve heard so far it doesn’t sound like the ordinary commercial projects we’re so used to watching. We caught up with Adnan Malik to hear his views and find out some more details about Cake.

How does it feel for a director to be directed by someone, we asked the actor. “I’ve been around for a while but I’m a younger actor in terms of experience. Sadqay Tumharay was amazing because I had Ehtesham directing me…with Dil Banjara the vibe wasn’t there so after that I was kind of in a little bit of PTSD,” he told us with a small chuckle.

Adnan malik

The actor played an interesting role in ‘Sadqay Tumharay’ opposite Mahira Khan

Speaking of his character in the film, the actor told us “The role is very different, and it’s in line with my value systems which I think is very important. If we’re playing characters I think we should do them according to what we believe in.”

Though how would a film like Cake compare to other films that we have seen, or will get to see, this year?

“It’s just a very different genre. Being a director myself, I’m very interested in the ‘coming of age drama’ and the family drama and that’s what this is. If we were to make a comparison I’d think of Kapoor and Sons.”


Adnan malik

Adnan Malik as the face of Sapphire Man has been a fitting choice

When asked his views on what makes a film a hit and what he thinks of recent local productions and the actor admitted that, “There has been a lot of mediocrity; I think people have been running to make things…there are only still 3-4 hits a year. Cake is still a commercial film; it’s just not a naach gaana film. Like everyone has family issues but no body talks about them and the film gets into that and discovers what the dynamics between family members are.”

“Cinema can do two things; it can be something that makes you forget your life, which is what a lot of people like, or it can be something that can reflect on your life. Without compromising on entertainment, I think Cake is a film that’ll make you look inwards,” Adnan opined.

So will Cake really give us the best of both worlds? We’re going to find out.

Also read: How creepy were contents of the ‘Cake’ box?

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