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Amid severe backlash for brand and products promoting the false notions of superiority on the basis of skin colours, many brands have taken the progressive step into moving away from such blatant colorism. Fair and Lovely, one of South Asia’s most selling beauty creams, took the step to re-brand their product by removing the word Fair from its name and changing it to ‘Glow and Lovely’.

Initially, when Unilever Pakistan announced their decision, people claimed that it simply wasn’t enough since the product was still a skin whitening agent. However, they have clarified that the product doesn’t contain any bleaching properties and the brand has changed it’s marketing to promote more even-toned, healthy and glowing skin rather than fair complexion.



fair and lovely


This is the next step in the evolution of Glow and Lovely’s skincare range towards a more inclusive vision of ‘Positive Beauty’. The brand is committed to celebrating all skin tones, which will be reflected in the rebranded product’s communications and messaging.