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After days of curiosity, the case of snapping fingers has now been solved. The secret is finally out after piquing our interests and now we know exactly why the snapping of fingers became such a huge trend on social media!

So, the idea of people doing so was to bring attention to the importance of traffic rules and safe driving in Pakistan. There are a lot of people who do not follow basic traffic etiquettes which often results in accidents and a bad traffic situation on the roads. In order to highlight this issue, every time someone acted irresponsibly, fingers were snapped at them to draw attention. The campaign was started by Shell Helix called #DriveOnPakistan.

With a global reputation for being socially responsible, Shell has now taken charge to create road safety awareness in Pakistan too. Through this campaign, people are teaming up with Shell and are pledging to make Pakistan’s roads safer.

Also read: Why are celebs ‘snapping’ their fingers?

Shell Helix aims to warn people about the dangers of reckless and irresponsible driving. When you break the rules, you not only put your own life in danger, you become a threat to the safety of others too.

With the campaign #DriveOnPakistan, Shell Helix targets to improve and upgrade the driving experience of Pakistanis by not only creating awareness about rules and regulations but also by painting speed breakers in various cities of Pakistan.

Shell Helix pledges to transform your driving experience and you have to do your part!

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