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COVID-19 pandemic led to a paradigm shift in the history of civilizations where we experienced something out of a catastrophe movie in real life. Humans experienced living in a world full of gloom and yonder last year. From a world where traffic, inflation and political unrest were highlights of the day, we shifted to a world full of despair, uncertainty of the future, crippled by a disease. However, it was much kinder and hopeful than one could have ever imagined!

The survival instinct as well as the goodwill of the human nature braved through these tough times, only to emerge victorious on the other end in 2021. While we walked alone on this unknown path and adapted to the “new normal,” the experience made us aware of self-preservation and turned us into who we are today —  bold and hopeful.


Jasmyn Rana


That’s what Sapphire’s new unstitched lawn collection — the POP line is all about. Blank Canvas featuring Jasmyn Rana, a psychotherapist who deals with people who are in emotional distress, will help you heal from the memories of the past and the present in hopes of a brighter future, all through colors!


Jasmyn Rana




Madness is consciousness in extremity.

But it can simply be a desire to embrace the unexpected, to step outside the ordinary and be inspired by the unorthodox. If you don’t believe it then let the world of fashion collide with your artistic spirit, and see the magic unfold!

Colors have the power to shift your outlook on life and well-being. Just as how we treat out body to what we eat, practice mindfulness in what you wear as well because your wardrobe can contribute to your physical and emotional health. The joy of colour, the magic of texture and pattern can envelop us in positive energy and encourage us to reconnect our inner selves.





An intricate and colorful fusion of art, fashion and mindfulness.

Jasmyn dons Sapphire’s unstitched contemporary long jacket in a popping neon hue, with prettily edged deep pockets. This print is inspired by the traditional Sufi mausoleum craft of Multan. She has paired it with a white tank top and a pair of white denim jeans.





Jasmyn Rana


Jasmyn helps people who have lost their way and are in search of a path to continue their journeys. The psychotherapist uses various mechanisms and techniques but believes strongly in the power of colour and how it can immensely contribute in building better mental health. She supports Sapphire’s vision behind the POP line which harnesses the power of colour to uplift, inspire and express self-love.


Jasmyn Rana


Here we can see Jasmyn in Sapphire’s unstitched canvas two piece in rich colors; with bold stripes and striking prints, she welcomes her clients into her peaceful space of self-discovery.

Watch Jasmyn tell more about color therapy in this video: