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Music maestro and the man behind Coke Studio, Rohail Hyatt is the ultimate choice as the producer for the much-loved music platform. However, after making a comeback for Coke Studio 2020, he has stepped down from the production of the music franchise this season.

During a Twitter interaction with a fan, Rohail confirmed that despite a new season being in the works, he is not going to be managing it this time around.

“I am sure CS is being planned but not by me,” he had said.

Iconic pop band Strings, who were also one of the producers from seasons 6 till 10 have also announced their separation.

“Maestro Rohail Hyatt, you’ve left Coke Studio, Strings have disbanded too. Who will be producing CS? Already feeling concerned,” asked a concerned fan on Twitter.

Rohail responded that he’s sure there are many suitable candidates, however,  he feels producer, singer-songwriter, composer and guitarist Zulfiqar Jabbar Khan of Entity Paradigm and Call is the best option.

“Since Bilal worked alone at Velo, he might still do that again. There are many candidates for Coke Studio. Hopefully, Coke will find someone who is excited about producing It. Xulfi is the best option in my opinion,” he replied.



Xulfi has previously produced Hum Aik Hain for CS and was also roped into to do Coke Studio Explorer before it was called off in season 12.

Another fan asked if he will be releasing the songs that were produced but not released last year.



While many wait for more seasons, a fan also suggested that since Coke Studio has reached its peak, it should ‘wrap up with grace’. Responding to which, Rohail said that he doesn’t think it will get wrapped anytime soon.

“I don’t think it will get wrapped anytime soon because the numbers and public support far outweigh any negativity or ROI.”


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