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The Coronavirus has put the entire world into panic mode and leaders across the globe are taking necessary measures to help their people. Imran Khan also recently sat down to address the pandemic, but his response was underwhelming, to say the least. So much so that even Rishi Kapoor felt concern for the Pakistani public.

Imran Khan asked Pakistanis to prepare for the virus but urged everyone to not worry. He also ruled out putting cities in lockdown due to a large part of the population struggling with poverty. To add fuel to the already difficult-to-contain fire that is COVID-19, the PM then announced that he would resume open borders with Afghanistan to show our solidarity with them.

Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, after hearing the speech, took to Twitter to express his concern and offer some advice to Imran Khan.




“With all due respect, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan should also advise his country to take adequate precautions. People of Pakistan are also dear to us. Once we were one. We are concerned too,” he said.

He added by saying, “This is a global crisis. No ego matter this. We love you guys. Humanity zindabad!”

The number of cases in Pakistan is up to 451 and are growing by the minute whereas reported cases in India are around 206! It’s good to see Rishi Kapoor trying to inspire people to stand united at a dark time like this.

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