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The highly popular drama Ranjha Ranjha Kardi‘s compelling story and phenomenal cast have made it worth the applause it is receiving. With each episode, the TV drama unveils interesting details, keeping the audience on its toes and this week’s episode is no different.

The story has developed as last week’s episode showed Sahir (Syed Jibran) being arrested for robbing the shop he works at. Noori, played by Iqra Aziz, goes to meet him at the police station and is informed by her lover that in order for him to be released, he needs to pay 2 lacs to resolve the matter. Iqra, of course, is head over heels in love with this man and wants him to be out as soon as possible so, she asks Qudsia baji -who hired her to work at the clothing factory- for the money but is refused help on unknown grounds.




Here we learn that though, Iqra is passionate and wants to be an independent woman, she is not clever and fails to understand the politics of people around her. Her naivety makes her believe that everyone is loyal to her, just like she is to them. Haji Sahib played by Haseeb Khan, emerges as a character which surely surprised everyone. Referred to as a ‘man of principles and strong moral grounding’, he offers Iqra the money she needs in exchange of sexual gratification in the absence of his wife.




Once again, we see how a religious man exploits the weak and gets away with it. As he has a religious persona to hide behind, his sinister intentions remain and will continue to remain unknown to all. This also raises another important point that no matter how strong a woman tries to be in this society, men will always overpower her strength in our society. If Iqra came to the city with clarity that she will not engage in any immoral acts, she is now jolted when she is weak and seeking help.

Read: Ranjha Ranjha Kardi: Ep 4 is a social commentary on class structures and hypocrisy 

Iqra’s vulnerability also consumes the best of her as she mindlessly continues to help her lover, Jibran. This shows how passionately and selflessly she admires the man who fails to express himself to her time and again.




Asma Abbas who plays the character of Imran Ashraf’s mother is shown tending to her ailing son. She leaves to visit a religious sanctuary to pray for his speedy recovery. There she meets Ammah Jannateh and asks her to find a marriage prospect for her mentally-challenged son. Ammah is shocked by the request and wonders who would marry her son, but, Asma is assertive that if a blind man, a polio-stricken man or a physically handicapped individual can get married, her son will certainly tie the knot.

This brings up an important conversation about the reality of our society that marriage is the ‘one-stop solution’ to all problems in life. Whether there are character flaws or personality problems, marriage is a magic potion which will make all your deficiencies disappear.




Towards the end, we see Iqra helping Qudsia baji (Haji sahib’s wife) pack her bags as she plans to leave for a weekend away at her mother’s house. The anxious Iqra, who is now intimidated by the factory owner (and wants to protect herself), asks for an early leave to go home and while packing, she sneaks an expensive gold set from Qudsia’s belongings, packs her bags and leaves the house to never return. This proves the point that love can certainly consume you to the degree that it disables you to think about your actions and their consequences through.

The episode revealed the characters oblivion from reality as their own fabricated thoughts and ideas consume them. In the next episode, Iqra is likely to get caught for the robbery and get herself into trouble while Sahir plans to leave the country. The story is taking an interesting turn and we cannot wait to watch it.


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