Pyar ke Sadqay is a lighthearted show with an immensely talented cast and a gripping story. It explores the lives and the friendship between two extremely loveable individuals, Abdullah and Mahjabeen, played by Bilal Abbas Khan and Yumna Zaidi.
The show portrays Abdullah as a naïve and confused boy who has struggled with confidence because he has been traumatized by his abusive stepfather, Sarwar, played by Omair Rana. Simultaneously, Mahjabeen is just as naive and innocent. Their on-screen chemistry has remained impeccable throughout the show with everyone looking forward to the rare scenes where they both are together on screen.
That has changed with the latest episode. We’re expecting to see a lot more of their scenes now that they have been married. The episode begins with Abdullah being rejected by his university crush Shanzey, played by Yashma Gill. She belittles him and questions his ability to support a wife on his own, since he felt the need to bring the women in his family along to propose to her.
Abdullah is left heartbroken but still decides to attend Mahjabeen’s wedding since he had made a promise. There, Mahjabeen is dressed as a bride, adorably waiting for biryani more than her groom. Suddenly Mahjabeen’s mother-in-law-to-be walks in crying and cursing. We find out that her son, Dr Hammad, has eloped with Mahjabeen’s friend Neelo. During her rant, she belittles Mahjabeen for being so oblivious that she couldn’t prevent the situation.
Hearing this, Abdullah, while remembering all the time he had been called the same, jumps to Mahjabeen’s defence. To this, Dr Hammad’s mother questions why doesn’t Abdullah just marry her himself if there is nothing wrong with her. As a result, Abdullah approaches Mahjabeen and proposes to her. She agrees, but not before getting him to agree on the condition that she won’t be forced to study anymore.
On the other hand, Sarwar is sitting in his misery at his mother’s with the thought of losing Mahjabeen and has no idea about the latest developments. While everyone tries to call him, he refuses to answer and concludes that by now Mahjabeen is probably married to Dr Hammad.
As the newly married couple enters Abdullah’s house all happy and bubbly, Sarwar, on the other hand, is shown to become more and more depressed. Sitting at his mother’s house, he keeps thinking about the lucky person who is married to Mahjabeen now. Unaware that it’s his own step-son, Abdullah.
We’ve been shown Sarwar’s misery and anger boiling up throughout this episode. So, just how much will he burst upon finding Mahjabeen in his own house married to his step-son. We see in the next promo that as the newly married couple develop their relationship, Sarwar’s unhappiness becomes palpable. We’re scared to see how Abdullah and Mahjabeen will become victim to his wrath because a person like Sarwar will probably not forget losing so easily. Especially to Abdullah, whom he has spent years tearing down. We hope the couple grows together to deal with the negativity that is coming their way because there’s nothing cuter than these two right now!