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The market is flooded with face washes; I myself – over the years – have used various L’Oreal options, Johnsons’ Clean and Clear, Body Shop Tea Tree Foam Wash and others whose names I do not remember. However, when 11 new face washes arrived in the mail courtesy Pond’s I thought to myself, “why not?” Seen here are five of the options.

Some of the face washes from the Pond’s range.

I immediately discarded the White Perfect option because I have no desire to lighten or whiten my skin. If anything, I’m always looking for a product that will give me a tanned or darker look.

The rest of the face washes (9) are sitting in their pouch all waiting to be tested. And I started with the Gold Radiance today. I was a bit apprehensive as I’m allergic to shimmering lotions and break out almost everytime I use one. But this wash, being allergy tested, didn’t cause an immediate reaction. The gold microbeads were quite exotic in appearance though the wash didn’t smell any different from your average face wash. I was expecting a more exotic fragrance.

It boils down to results, which I will conclude after washing my face at least three times.

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