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Building up to the release of their film, the Parchi team is gradually releasing their songs, and after the hit of ‘Bilo Hai’, we’ve just been introduced to ‘Imagine’, sung by Mika Singh. We were actually expecting a catchy tune, similar to the likes of ‘Billo Hai’ but instead, we were left cringing at the video…

The song shows an exaggerated dream sequence of sorts, where Usman Mukhtar is in love with Hareem Farooq, who in return is crushing on Ali Rehman. The video is an attempt at being comic with the use of gushy romance, but the awkward dance moves and Usman Mukhtar’s lack of expressions just make it an unflattering experience. Plus, the main chorus literally consists of four words! We expected better from Mika Singh, whose songs are usually quite nonsensical but still catchy.

Also read: Here’s why the cast of ‘Parchi’ hates watching themselves on the big screen

The film is set to release on January 5th, 2018 and we still have our hopes high for it to be a good entertainer!

Tell us if you can get through the song without a grimace…

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