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Leave it to Mathira to provide entertainment fodder each week by doing something or the other – but this time, we think we’ve had enough.

Releasing her latest single, ‘Jhootha Again’ – a sequel to her infamous track ‘Jhoota‘ – the controversial diva has teamed up with Arbax Arry on this one – who seems to have replaced the child-rapper from the first track.

Shot at a (we’re guessing) abandoned airstrip, Mathira grooves to the rather-irksome vocals, as the aptly-named ‘Arbax Arry’ raps equally questionable lyrics. That said, the tunes of the song aren’t bad if only, they weren’t also copied off from other contemporary singles available.

Do we want to hear this song again? Probably not.

Check it out here and tell us what you think:


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