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For anyone who has been alive in the last four decades or is an avid fan of American television, there’s a high chance you know about the popular live NBC sketch show, Saturday Night Live. So, naturally, if like us, you are fans of SNL, the entertainment fact grew tenfold when our very own Kumail Nanjiani made it to the show!

The Pakistani-American comic made it to the show as the guest of the week and decided to stay true to his stand-up comedy and his Pakistani roots. With a voice uniquely his own, his opening monologue in his first ever SNL hosting gig was something every Pakistani or even a confused Pakistani-American should have a look at.

“I’m so excited to be here,” the actor opened his monologue. “I remember since I was a little kid in Pakistan, Saturday night my whole family would sit together and watch Star Trek. We didn’t get Saturday Night Live,” Kumail added amidst laughs.

If Hollywood ever had actual good roles for Pakistani men, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that Kumail shined in his Don Draper suit. Touching on the topic of racism and Islamophobia with a touch both light and jabbing, Nanjiani came at the subjects from delightful odd angles, and follows them according to their own unexpected logic.

If you know the comedic styling of Kumail, you’d be aware that the actor does not shy away from bashing bigots or refuting claims about Islam being anti-women. With his animated face and those expressive eyebrows working to punctuate the material, Nanjiani killed through his SNL monologue and his sketches.

With Kumail’s amazing skill to grasp the audience, it’s no surprise that the show got the highest ratings this season yet!

Check out the hilariously on-point monologue here: