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Actor, model, writer, producer and morning show host, Juggun Kazim is a household name in Pakistan. She also keeps updating her own YouTube channel, which she says is a passion project where she can put out content she thinks would not work on television.

“On digital you can be more expressive and open about sentiments and one can reach a different audience with it,” she said in an interview with Instep.

“Trending on #5 on YouTube in Pakistan! Thank you so much for your love and support ❤ Lets make it #1 guys!!!” Juggun shared her excitement and achievement with her fans this morning. “Do keep sharing ideas for topics you want me to make videos on and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel,” she added.

Juggun, who has earlier spoken about the violence she experienced in her first marriage, is currently working on a digital film for YouTube. Titled  Khirki, the film is about violence and how we tend to intimidate and bully our children.

“I was interested in being part of this film because I’ve been in a similar solution, yes,” she said. However,  Khirki has been made more from the child’s perspective than a parent’s,” she clarified.

Being penned and directed by Fahad Nur, the film will also star Omair Rana and Shahzain Ali along with her.


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