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In a unexpected announcement, the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle revealed last week that they will work to become ‘financially independent’ and split their time between Britain and North America. Since the news broke last week, many notable names have expressed their take on the matter; Twitter even coined a term for the move i.e. Megxit. However, Prime Minister Imran Khan’s former wife, Jemima Goldsmith not only lend her support to the Duchess of Sussex but also shared that she can relate to what Meghan is going through.

Jemima recently took to Twitter to express her views on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s departure as ‘senior’ members of the British Royal family and wrote:

“I don’t necessarily agree with the way Meghan and Harry have handled things but I know what Princess Diana went through and what it’s like to marry a national hero from another country & be attacked by the media for your ethnicity (too Jewish, in my case).”



She also raised question about the stark difference in how the female consort is treated in comparison to their male counterparts.



Mehwish Hayat also took to Twitter to support Jemima’s sentiments.  “If only the world were more accepting and let people just be,” she wrote.



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