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Day Two: October 7

Show one: Couture Jewelry starring Queenie, Raj Mahtani and Maheep Kapoor

Q: Did anyone understand why the runway was constructed like a piece out of a rubic

A beautiful Raveena Tandon. But why?

cube, with poor models consistently having to walk up and down without tripping?

A: No, it was inexplicable. It was a horrible set with terrible neon lighting. Queenie  opened with impact but then the show moved into an OTT on bling (and why Raveena Tandon agreed to model is something only industry insiders would know) ending with socialites walking out for their friend Maheep Kapoor. Stars and starlets filled the runways but the likes of Chunky Pandey had a child in his lap, who constantly dangled her flip flopped feet on the runway! Not on. And btw in case anyone’s interested, Sridevi is half the size she was last year; she’s minute but I wish she had dressed up instead of turning up as is!

Show two: The ultimate showdown by Karan Johar starring … everyone!


Amitabh Bachchan, SRK and Hrithik Roshan! Bollywood doesn’t get better than this even if fashion does.


Q: Did Varun Bahl outdo his last year’s show?

A: Who cares! It wasn’t Varun’s show anyway. Although (on close inspection) the clothes were beautiful, let’s face the fact that the stars were just bigger and brighter. And yes, co-designer Karan Johar did outdo himself this year! Last year saw Shahrukh walk the runway with his wife Gauri but this year the show opened with demi-god Hrithik looking magnificent and closed with a larger than life Amitabh Bachchan. To make things better, they called SRK up on stage and he went to the head ramp and did three little dance steps with them! Oh and if anyone needed a bigger dose of stars, they were all there in the front rows. ALL.OF.THEM.

Conclusion: The FDCI and HDIL should rechristen this as the HDIL Bollywood Fashion Week, just to avoid confusion.

This was just the tip of the iceberg! But the greatest thing I saw was that instead of being a hoity toity star, SRK got up and met all his colleagues – senior and junior – before the show began. Of course he also met me with equal warmth when I went up and told him that I was from Pakistan where there were legions of his fans. His smile was bedazzling!

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