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With Fanta’s drive to find its first ever TMO (Teen Marketing Officer) on full-throttle, it’s the final showdown between Maria Unera and Hina Altaf and this time, you have the control! if you still haven’t decided who you want to win, here’s your chance as Fanta goes live with the voting today!

Who will it be? Will it be the fun-loving Hina Altaf or the witty Maria Unera? We know we can’t decide, but, have you? If you haven’t, let us jog your memory a little!


While Hina’s slogan is ‘Together for Fun’ – and we know she is all about the funtastic lifestyle, Maria says ‘Fun is where the Action is!’ If you still need more reasons to choose one of the two, we’ll give you a simple one.


Not only are both of the possible TMO’s amazingly talented, both of them have climbed the ladders of success in the shortest of time, proving their ability!

So, as the Fanta TMO poll goes live today, have you decided who you want to give your hearts to? We think we have!

You can cast your vote for your favourite person here!

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