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In what has quickly become the most talked about wedding sensation in the country, the Coke #ShaadiOfTheYear campaign has achieved viral gold status! From fans to the Haute celebs, everyone dancing to the tunes of ‘Tinak Dhin’ and have joined Mahira Khan and Sheheryar Munawar on the Shaadi bandwagon!

Deciding whether they are #TeamMahira or #TeamSherry, a plethora of A-listers have selected who they’re supporting this wedding season on the epic dance face-off.

It all started with Anoushey Ashraf declaring her support for Team Mahira with an impeccable video dancing to the tune, whereas Muneeb Butt was quick to respond back by joining Team Sherry with his own video to the song!

Quickly, it became a battle of the stars with both teams boasting names like Ali Sethi, Alyzeh Gabol, and others on their team! Will the ‘Tinak Dhin’ tune ever get old? We don’t think so!

That being said, we’re still confused about whose side we should take since we can’t get over the number of celebs who are a part of this! Do we choose Mahira and the divas or do we go with Sherry’s band of boys? We just can’t decide!

While we still decide, you have a chance to decide your favourite and also participate in the biggest Shaadi this season by posting your videos with the hashtag #ShaadiOfTheYear on social media!

So, who do you think will win the dance-off, #TeamMahira or #TeamSherry? Tell us in the comment section below!

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