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With realities of life and constant pressures looming, the rise of stress and depression have taken its toll on the society. However, in the world brimming with social media, if there’s one thing that it has thought us, it is that no one is alone in this fight against it and almost everyone is facing it.

Truly, this was the case when actor Mohsin Abbas Haider posted on his social media pages about his battle with depression and the Pakistani media industry came out in full support of the Na Maloon Afraad actor by sharing their own stories.


“Depression is all set to kill me soon. I just wanted to say thanks to the people who caused it,” Mohsin had posted on his Facebook and Instagram accounts.

However, soon, celebrities such as Ayesha Omar, Mansha Pasha, Osman Khalid Butt, Natasha Baig, Tooba Siddiqui, Mathira, Ali Gul Pir, Anoushey Ashraf, amongst others media personnel commented on the post in a bid to provide respite to the actor.

“You’re not alone Mohsin. Never. Just stay strong and get help. Talk to anyone you feel like. But talk,” Ayesha Omar wrote. “Don’t be afraid to get help open up about what you’re feeling. It’s completely ok to not be ok. There are so many people who love you and your energy. I’m one of them”

We at Something Haute sincerely wish Mohsin some peace and hope that he knows there are so many who love him and his craft.

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