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With the much-anticipated film, Rangreza close to its release date, the promotions have finally reached their pinnacle. While we’ll soon find out what the story is really about, it’s interesting to hear the real inspirations behind the film.

Speaking to BBC Urdu’s Fifi Haroon, the cast – Bilal Ashraf, Gohar Rasheed, and Ghana Ali – spoke about their roles in the film and what importance they had in the narrative. Out of all the characters in the film, an obscure one has remained Bilal’s rockstar avatar.

“I researched a lot on North American bands, British Bands, and of course are very own here, such as Junoon, Vital Signs, and Junaid Jamshed – who is my personal favourite – to find inspiration,” the actor revealed.

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Speaking about his premier choice of inspiration for the film, Bilal also mentioned that the film’s main performance is an homage to the late singer.

“I still listen to his [Junaid Jamshed] songs, and also there’s a concert performance in the film – which is close to my heart – which I’ve dedicated to him Junaid Jamshed because he was a legend,” the actor added.

Rangreza is slated to release on December 21st and is directed by Amir Mohiuddin.

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