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Episode nineteen of Baaghi delves into the deeper side of things, bringing focus to the relationships in Kanwal’s life.

“What I’ve learnt so far from life is that relations are made through emotions, not by blood,” claims Kanwal, and the occurrences in this episode perfectly correlate to her statement. Is blood really thicker than water, is a question that comes to mind from time to time during the episode.

Having lost touch with her family, except her younger sister, Kanwal has found the true meaning of friendship in her relationship with Gogi, a relationship she truly values. We see the princely Sheheryar shows a keen interest in Kanwal’s life, as well as opens up to her about losing his wife and child. What’s intriguing though is why Sheheryar is so fascinated by Kanwal, a social media sensation who is far different from the lifestyle Sheheryar seemingly comes from. Their story moves forward when Sheheryar and Kanwal decide to meet up, but alas that never happens.


Kanwal’s father ends up in the hospital after a bad accident, and Kanwal is too late to find out. She rushes to the hospital, and her reunion with her parents is nothing but emotional. Amidst the tears and anger, her father refuses to look at her telling her to leave but Kanwal is adamant and keeps trying to speak to him. Her mother too is torn, unable to decide if she’s happy about seeing her beloved Fauzia or angry with her. An extremely well portrayed scene, where each actor has put forth their best to bring the raw emotions across the screen. Heartfelt and deeply moving, the talented cast once again proves how they are the perfect choice for their respective roles. We also wonder if Kanwal had gotten there in time to provide the fees for the operation he needed, would she be welcomed differently?

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This again brings to light the importance of family ties, and how hard it is to let go of your flesh and blood. On one side we see Kanwal, who has been trying to help her family and still feels guilt and remorse for leaving them, while on the other hand we see her hot-headed brother Rahim who is more concerned about his finances even when his father is lying on the hospital bed. Though her family provided her no help and support in her time of need, she rushes to their aid without a second thought. Emotions are at their peak at the end of the episode, and while one wishes Kanwal had reunited with her family under happier circumstances, it is still a welcome development. From all the tragedies that have occurred in Kanwal’s life her separation from her parents, as well as her child, has been one of the most painful ones.

The next episode shows Kanwal bringing her family to the city to be able to care for her father, who is still against her. Now that her family is living with her, it’s going to be difficult to hide her public identity of Kanwal Baloch from them, and that will likely be another turning point in the serial.

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