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After an enormous amount of star power, the last day of PLBW’17 ended with a great bang courtesy a mini-performance by Ali Sethi and Zeb Bangash for Fahad Hussayn. We were told that Ali and Zeb came up with the song when approached by Fahad, who told them his ideology behind Hoshruba: Dara Shikoh Aur Sunehri Churail.

The melodious qasida, composed exclusively for the show by Ali and Zeb, gave Fahad’s collection the perfect background score and the kind of traditional grandeur it required. So after their performance, we found Ali Sethi to hear about the process and inspiration that went behind the song.


Fahad Hussayn’s shows are never less than entertaining


“Dara Shikoh was very involved in mysticism,” Ali told us, speaking of the great Mughal. “We found a traditional qasida, and we sort of reworked it with shairi that spoke to the particular subject.”

Fahad Hussayn is known for his keen eye for detail and grand presentations, so we asked Ali about the guidelines presented to him for the performance.

“Some months ago, Fahad played a piece of music and told us that he wants something with that kind of heroic quality, which was the only guideline we were given…I had a great time I have to say, in the midst of this hoity-toity fashion crowd where people are like ‘Where’s my Prada?’ you bring in this khaalis qasida and their inner desi can’t deny it!” Ali told us with a jolly laugh.

Ali and Zeb are planning on releasing the song online, soon.

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