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A few weeks ago we reported that Ahad Raza Mir has bagged a nomination for his play Hamlet: A Ghost Story, which he had performed in Canada in April. Well… it seems that the actor’s career has hit a jackpot as Ahad has won the Betty Mitchell Award for ‘Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Drama’.

Ahad played the the titular role in the play and it was indeed an achievement itself for a Canadian-Pakistani to play Hamlet’s role. According to the theater group, The Shakespeare Company, Ahad’s play was one of their highest attended shows in the history of the company.

Ahad took to Instgram and announced the news in an Instagram story:


Ahad Raza Mir


The Betty Mitchell Awards recognize excellence in Calgary’s Professional Theatre Community. The announcement was also made on their official Twitter handle.



Earlier talking to Instep, the actor said, “It feels amazing; the biggest thing is that it’s like a pride for the country. It is a regional award; hundreds of shows took place in the entire province there. For me, it is a big deal because I started my career there (Canada) and I have been watching these people get these awards for many years, hoping that it would happen to me too, one day. Therefore, bagging a nomination is a big success, not just for people residing in Pakistan but for Pakistanis abroad.”

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