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TV’s much hyped serial Aangan wrapped up on Thursday night with a finale that left us asking for more. The buildup of the leading characters – Aaliya, Safdar, Chammi and Jameel — was such that we were expecting more twists and turns but the end was unsatisfying.

Last episode tied some loose ends and left the rest for the viewers’ imagination. Jameel (Ahad Raza Mir) finally realized that no other girl is going to love him like Chammi (Sajal Aly). The duo has announced their engagement in real life now so it was a highly anticipated scene when Jameel confesses his admiration for Chammi. However, he emphasized more on her beauty rather than her undying love for Jameel. Chammi is so in love that she didn’t migrate to Pakistan despite being a staunch supporter of the Partition as she can’t live without seeing him. However, since we ship the couple, let’s assume that Jameel was talking about her pure heart and beautiful spirit.




Aaliya (Mawra Hocane) gave a phenomenal performance throughout the drama. We feel that her strong and resilient character suffered at the hands of a dodgy script. Aaliya has proven to be her own hero — someone who doesn’t need a man in her life just for the sake of companionship. As she read Chammi’s letter which narrated that she is finally getting married to Jameel, her desire to belong surged. This was followed by a few incidents where Safdar (Ahsan Khan) cleverly played with her emotions. First he gained her trust by reminiscing about their time with her sister Tehmina, then he complimented Aaliya saying she looked like her, making her feel for him.




Naturally, Aaliya took a stand for him, thinking that if Chammi could get her love, perhaps Safdar was the one made for her. But Safdar turned out to be a con artist who started alluring her mother with materialistic gains just as she opposed the union. May be he was planning it all along and wanted to take revenge.

Nevertheless, Aaliya, being a confident girl, rejects his proposal and chooses to remain single. We think this is a rather refreshing conclusion for a female character in a Pakistani drama considering most women in our dramas are shown to be living under the shadow of men. Aaliya is obviously still in love with Jameel and heartbroken after hearing about Chammi and Jameel’s union, but she still opts to remain single instead of marrying a con man. And who knows, may be there’s a happy ending in store for her as well?

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