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Too many pets come into shelters, however, few people consider adoption when looking for a pet. Addressing the problem, Anoushey Ashraf once again uses her social media platform to raise awareness and create a positive impact on society.

RJ and actor Anoushey promotes the idea of adopting instead of buying animals.

“ADOPT, DON’T SHOP! WHY?” she titled an Instagram post along with a photo of a furry friend holding a picture of her that read, “Have you seen this person?” to emphasize and make a statement.



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She shared her perspective through several pointers explaining why it would be a better idea to adopt.

“Because you’ll save a life, with all this culling it’s our moral duty to help,” she wrote as her primary point.

“If you buy a dog from a pet store, online or market, you are certainly getting it from a puppy mill which are factory-style breeding facilities that put profit above all. Animals from mills are housed in shockingly poor conditions and are sick,” she further educated her followers.

“Their moms are kept in cages to be bred over and over for years, without human companionship. After they’re no longer profitable, breeding dogs are simply discarded—either killed, abandoned or sold,” Anoushey added sharing that puppy mills continue to stay in business through deceptive tactics and will will continue to operate until people stop supporting them. “By adopting a pet, you can be certain you aren’t giving them a dime.”

This is not the first time Anoushey has shown compassion towards all living creatures. She annually reaches out to her fans urging them to care, respect and love their animal of sacrifice to the absolute fullest.




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