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Bisconni Music, being the first local music platform, has moved towards building an identity among a pool of branded musical platforms. While a risk, with the competition present, the platform has proven to be successful in its first season with a diverse range of artists and genres. The first season has launched some brilliant original songs on the big screen, giving the audience a taste of what was missing in our industry. It has been proven that there is abundant talent present, be it singers or musicians, renowned or emerging. While other musical platforms have focused on rendition of old music year after year, Bisconni has turned the tables with a fresh perspective. 

The third episode is just as much of a surprise as the previous two were. We saw the three most talented singers on Bisconni Music’s platform right after the other. Ali Khan, Saad Hayat and Shuja Haider experimented with creativity and delivered great numbers in genres of electro pop and pop rock. It was abundantly clear that the musicians fully enjoyed the process of owning a song entirely and could finally represent themselves because of the creative freedom that was allowed by the platform. The third episode highlights this with the songs of all three distinctive artists, each song true to their persona. 



The outstanding set done by Bisconni is wrapped up in musical creativity. Each song not only represents a genre alone, but creates an entire vibe. While Ali’s song was more slow and romantic, Shuja Haider’s was thoughtful and powerful and Saad Hayat took us back to the 2000s with a romantic rock song. The platform gives numerous opportunities to bring out the true potential of local artists, who’re seen performing new genres for the first time. From ambient pop to electro pop, from rock to desi rock, sung in English or in our local language, Bisconni music didn’t leave leeway for criticism because of the boldness and originality it represented. This would not have been possible without a great team of musicians who made sure each track had its own charm and beat to sway everyone away. Bisconni Music brought to us drummers like Gumby, Ahad Nayani, Ajay Harii, Kami Paul, and guitarists like Mohsin Raza Shah and Shane Kerr.



It is a significant time for team Bisconni to display a musical platform that honours originality and diversity and it surely is creating new waves. Hamid Ismail, the director of Ismail Industries Limited has definitely taken a great step in encouraging a growth initiative for the music industry and supporting the GM Marketing at Bisconni, Sabir Godil, who came up with the big idea of bringing new tracks consisting of various genres. Sabir Godil said,
“Bisconni Music is a platform which offers a diverse range of genres. The platform has purposely brought music that can be celebrated by all Pakistanis. We’re delighted to bring the vision alive.”



A part of the vision was to add value through each musician. A song is not just made by the vocalist but the musicians as well who work collectively to bring a song to life.  Be it drummer, guitarist or the featured artist, everyone plays an important role.

This was the vision of Sabir Godil in bringing Bisconni Music and making it a platform for everyone to connect on.
All episodes of the show can be viewed on: