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It’s that time of the year when the whole world celebrates love. Oddly enough, Valentine’s Day is purely associated to a special someone in your life, but love comes in many shapes and forms and they are all worth cherishing. One thing so many of us struggle with is acknowledging our love for ourselves. Even when we have no problem nourishing our relationships with others, we hesitate before giving ourselves the same affection. But shouldn’t YOU be the most important person in your life?

Self-care and self-love are important throughout the year, but it becomes extremely important on this big day of love when we only prioritize a romantic partner’s interest. Fret not, we are not asking you to go anti-Valentine’s Day; let’s just not skip on self-love. Whether you have a partner or are as single as Pringles, V-Day is the best excuse to go all out and have a love-filled time with your true soulmate: Yourself.

And here are some ideas to do just that…


1. Treat yourself like a King/Queen




Let’s celebrate that you are strong, resilient, courageous, smart and beautiful. We usually don’t think twice before buying gifts for others, so we shouldn’t feel guilty when we splurge a little on ourselves too, right? Brighten up your personal space with flowers you love or a present that you really wanted this year. There is nothing wrong with a little retail therapy to get your blood pumping! 


2. Three M’s: Movies, Music and Meals



Talk about the ultimate food fiesta at home. It’s your call: cook yourself a meal while dancing to your favourite tunes or order what you are really craving for. Have a yummy and fulfilling breakfast, a multi-course lunch and your favourite snacks and ice cream and forget about the diets for a day.

And don’t forget to binge-watch all the movies on your checklist. From rom-coms and slick action thrillers to horror and murder mysteries, make use of this ‘me’ time and catch up on your guilty pleasures.


3. Relaxing Spa Day



Is there a better duo than a relaxing bath with some soothing music? You can fill up your bathtub at home, throw in some bubbles and bath salts, light a few candles, set up your lovely arrangement of fresh flowers, and turn on your current playlist. Or, if you live in a place like Karachi where bathtubs full of hot water are a luxury inaccessible to you, then visit a salon and have a relaxing session with massages, facials, mani-pedis and much more.


4. Staycation




As V-Day is falling on a Monday this year, it would be great to plan a Staycation for the weekend or take a few leaves to enjoy it. You can get out of the house for the night and stay at a nice farmhouse or a hut by the beach. Depending on your mood, interests and the weather,  you can opt for places with pools or playgrounds, or go camping.

5. Keep a Memento




It is not everyday that you indulge and treat yourself so there is no harm if you deck up and take a picture to cherish the memory later on. It is also healthy to stand in front of a mirror and look directly into your eyes. This helps you remember that you are divine.


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