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Our beloved Hauteliers, it’s time once again for us to rain our judgment on the red carpet that, for L’Oreal, turned black. And that’s precisely how we felt on the inside, looking at all of what it had to offer on Day 1 of PLBW. So we did what any self-respecting, sound-minded, mildly frustrated and carb-deprived individual would do: yell our judgment at all of our celeb-folk. Why, you ask? Because with so much mediocrity piled up, it would be insensitive not to pick at the platter.




The more we look at it the more we are convinced that this is a pretty damn fierce look. The sun is definitely out tonight.


Hina Butt


We all unanimously decided to kill the cold shoulder trend, but this one obviously did not get the text?


Anaum Hammad


We understand how on paper this look would be so chic, but in reality it just seems quite over-designed, and the shoes are wrong. PERIOD.


Anushey Mughal


This could have easily been the best look from the night until we scrolled down to those shoes that are fighting way too much with the rest of the outfit.


Sara Shahid


The doctor is in and she’s looking pretty chic.


Yasmeen Hashmi


It’s a basic look but the vibrancy of the print lifts it up. We’ll also take this opportunity to start a GoFundMe page for killing those hoop earrings.


Alveena Abid


Oh honey, you need to go home and call your lawyer. This is a lawsuit.


Chandny Mobeen


It’s kind of heavy, wilted and grandiose for the occasion.


Arooba Qureshi


Our problem with this entire look is that it is just way too overdesigned. We can point out at least 7 elements that are just plain unnecessary, not to mention the green is doing nothing for her. Also, what’s with the bag?

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