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Lovers of lawn, take heed as this is a magic potion for you!

Are you one of those compulsive buyers who cannot resist the allure of glamorous marketing campaigns of new summer collections? Then beware as it is that time of the year when the sun is at its peak and so is the demand for new lawn clothes; your digital screens must be bombarded with ads drawing you to order a set of new shirts, or the latest and most attractive lawn prints. And this means we will go into an endless consumption mode because we feel that this is absolutely required of us and we simply can’t be trendy and up to date without these prints!




This lawn mania is what Comfort has tackled in it’s out of the box campaign #longliveclothes in which they want us to repeat our clothes and trust Comfort to tackle the rest! This lawn season takes a toll on our bank accounts as well as self-esteem because there is no end to this rat-race. These never-ending collections are supporting a problematic concept which associates a sense of validation to new clothes which is a vicious cycle because there is always something more exquisite and trendy out there.

Since there is no winning this race, lookout for Comfort’s latest creative DVC which has painted a quirky picture of us and where we are at.. and where we ought to be. The brand is normalizing the idea that old clothes are as comfy, stylish and trendy as you want to make them, if taken proper care. And that your own closet is bursting with those exquisite prints that you had picked out last season.



The exciting DVC challenges the way we perceive shopping now and instills the idea that your beloved lawn joras, that were once a steal or made you shine in a party, will remain the same after several washes. One may argue that new clothes are a need for every season as last season’s wardrobe seems unfit because it looks worn out and not fashionable enough. However, do we think twice as to why we cannot reuse old clothes season after season despite spending hard-earned moolah on it? Well, the answer is not that simple.




Keeping aside our insatiable desire to get hands on every latest summer print and new collection fueled by ads, there is also a lack of awareness about how to make your cherished clothes last longer. Rough washing, detergents and extreme temperatures are some of the main reasons why our clothes lose vigor in a few washes. If you want to make your treasured clothes last longer and add an extra oomph factor to them, then all you need is a fabric conditioner like Comfort to protect them from wear and tear.

So be different this season! You can outshine in a much-loved shirt or lawn jora from last season and recreate a brand-new look with those beautiful prints. Let’s start setting the norm that reusing old clothes is not un-cool, unfashionable and boring. Liberating isn’t it?