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As a nation, Pakistan has not enjoyed a very female-inclusive societal culture in the years. Women more often have been let down when it comes to keeping up with the patriarchal mindset. Due to this pressing problem, Pakistan now stands at a crossroad because with the present challenges faced by the economy, it is very important that we as a nation should support females in every walk of life. A 2016 study conducted by the International Monetary Fund concluded that increasing output through engaging the female population would increase the country’s GDP by as much as 30 percent. At the present moment, unfortunately the ruling authorities have not been able to implement the necessary reforms.

Amidst this state of affairs, Samsung Pakistan — in association with Kaarvan crafts — has identified and vowed to fill a gap between the state and the female individual. This isn’t the first time Samsung has taken such an initiative; this past Ramzan, Samsung Pakistan had partnered with Rizq for food provisions for a million people. Samsung also encouraged the entire Pakistani nation to view the world in the same light and see all humans as one through #DekhoMeriNazarSe. With the same enthusiasm and hope for a better nation, Samsung Pakistan has now taken another step to help in creating a more progressive Pakistan though their campaign ‘Aangan PK’.



This initiative is significant and symbolically named for the Pakistani female citizens, as their Aangan has often been a source of despair and adversity for them. What should have been a safe haven for every female for a better tomorrow has been a block in the road. Aangan PK is working towards not only changing that very figurative meaning but is also aiming to revolutionize every courtyard in every home in the country. Aangan is an embodiment of Samsung Pakistan’s “Take Note of You” philosophy; inviting the entire world to realize their true potential and take note of themselves. It is only then that you leave a mark and the world is forced to take note of you.



The initiative is based on digital literacy training – an area of skill that rural women of Pakistan largely do not possess. Trying to bring a change, Samsung first targeted provision of smartphones and digital literacy in marginalized rural areas. Furthermore, they conducted on ground training at the end of which recipients are now able to access and operate the Aangan online marketplace ( The website enables these women to carry out e-commerce activities based on their specific skill set such as knitting, sewing, embroidery and handicrafts.

Just like Samsung’s global message of doing what you can’t, Aangan PK reminds us the importance of believing in our creative abilities and our self-worth so that the world does not let us feel anything less than what we are capable to achieve.

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