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First it was her short hair, now it’s her upcoming wedding – model Saheefa Jabbar has been subject to the public’s harsh comments once again. Saheefa has taken time out during her wedding madness to address the ever-present misogyny she’s experienced following news of her marriage, through a Facebook post.

An exclaim of frustration by model Saheefa Jabbar went viral this morning, where the actress vented via her personal Facebook against the long-standing culture of misogyny that’s tied into one’s marriage.

Opening up her short piece with “Getting married is a very mixed feeling,” Saheefa goes further to discuss the sexism she has encountered since announcing her marriage.

“My close family and friends,when they heard the news the only question I was asked was if I’ll be able to work,” the model continued.

Saheefa’s response to people who ask whether her husband will allow her to continue modeling is, “We are getting married because we accept each other in every way, be it personal or professional.”


Saheefa also questions those who have been commenting on her marriage with the use of stereotypes that insist women only belong in the kitchen, that they need a man’s protection and that the model must “act like a bride.”

In response to trolls that wrote,“Act like a bride! What will your poor husband say, bichara! At least on your wedding night act like a lady,” the model says, “What does that even mean?… this is my night, society should have no say in it.”

Her response is always met with silence it seems, as the model revealed, “They go quiet and take a pause, my tone is always very rough for them.”

“They know a woman doesn’t need a man to protect her, but they always bring up Pakistani society and how maybe things are different abroad, but not here at home,” Saheefa continued.

Read: Saheefa Jabbar responds to cyber bullies

What is Saheefa’s take on marriage?

“My opinion on marriage is that the traffic should go both ways. Woman shouldn’t be compromising alone. A man has no right to abuse her in any way, under the umbrella of Islam or being in a Nikkah — least of all just for just being a man.”

Safeeha further expressed that the idea of a woman being inferior to a man due to his inherent right to protect her or ‘allow’ her doesn’t sit right with her.

“It saddens me, matlab we are not safe and men think so highly of themselves that they have the right to sexually, emotionally and physically abuse women because of this very thought process,” said Saheefa.

This isn’t the first time this year that the model has chosen to take a stand. Saheefa broke the mould (and ended up starting a small revolution of sorts) by chopping off her hair to a close-crop cut and wearing it in its natural, curly state. The model back then wrote a piece on how the decision to defy one of the most cultural transcending beauty norms (long hair, they certainly do care) resulted in harassment, threats, loss of work and more.

Also read: Saheefa wants to break out of the supermodel stereotype

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