After exploring film and television by producing projects like Balu Mahi and Mere Bewafa, Sadia Jabbar Productions is ready to venture into the digital market through their first web series titled Shameless Proposals in collaboration with BVC media. Penned by the creative duo Saji Gul and Atlas and directed by Hunny Haroon, the series explores the shallow and cringe-worthy practice of “hunting†the perfect girl in our society.
Shameless Proposals sheds light on how well educated, open-minded and independent girls are forced into arranged marriages. The series will be divided into episodes featuring seven different stories of proposals.
Platforms like Netflix, Amazon, or even YouTube have gained immense following and stars have found a new medium and mechanism to showcase their creative liberty and originality.
Web series are said to be the future of the entertainment industry, and producer Sadia Jabbar shared the same views. “Television and films are mainly a platform for families, but web series give you the power of standing up and voicing your opinion or highlighting the evils of society through entertainment and to not only change how entertainment is seen, but also how it is perceived,” she said.
Read More: Azfar Rehman joins Wajahat Rauf’s upcoming web series
“The medium of web entertainment is still untapped in Pakistan, although it has been gaining popularity all over the world, the audience can be classified as niche but holds immense potential to make your voice heard,†said co-producer Tehseen Shaukat.
Read More:Â Sanam Saeed talks about the digital revolution that may outpace television