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Education advocate and the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai is trying her best to make sure that Palestinian children do not miss out on school. She is donating a total of $150,000 to support Palestinian families as they begin to recover from the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“Like many others around the world, I am devastated by the brutality and inhumanity against Palestinian children,” the Malala Fund founder said in a Save the Children press release.

“They deserve to live in peace, to feel safe in their homes, to be educated and to pursue their dreams — just like any other child. I hope these gifts will help them return to school and start the process of rebuilding their lives. I want Palestinian children to know that I stand with them and believe in their future.”

“I pray for a lasting peace in the region and call on leaders to protect every child’s fundamental rights,” she further stated.

The donation to Save the Children will help repair damaged schools, provide clean water and food vouchers, support children’s mental health and well-being, and provide nutrition services for pregnant women and new mothers.