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While people weren’t too keen about Ali Azmat’s latest Pakistan Super League anthem, the news that Junoon is releasing a fresh album won’t get similar response for sure. Fans were already excited when the much-loved band, which has given Pakistanis scores of chartbuster songs in the late 90s, reunited in December 2018.

The band released a World Cup anthem last year and recently has wrapped up their international concert in Doha. Featuring Ali Azmat, Salman Ahmad and Brian O’Connell, the band came back together after a long hiatus and they aren’t slowing down anytime soon.

Salman Ahmad recently took to Twitter and announced that Junoon isn’t just releasing a new song but have an album in store this year as well.



Salman also hinted at a possible UK tour after the album release in response to a query on Twitter.



Read: Ali Azmat, Haroon & Asim Azhar collaborate for PSL 2020 anthem

The Sufi rock band is known for its soulful lyrics and compositions. The Junoonis are overjoyed and we hope to hear a few singles soon as August seems to be quite far right now.