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Osman Khalid Butt has never been one to shy away from raising a sensible voice in a sea of ignorance. The actor always speaks up about difficult conversations that people are afraid to have. This time, he has done it again but in reference to the minorities in Pakistan. Osman recently posted a series of tweets to discuss why it’s not that easy for people to stand up for the rights of others in this country.

The actor remembered the Lahore massacre that occurred on 28th May, 2010 and why, even to this day, it remains difficult for people to call out discrimination against religious minorities in Pakistan.



He talked about how speaking up for minorities, puts the protesters in a vulnerable position where they might have to go through the same issues as the oppressed. Hence, out of this fear, people tend to stay quiet altogether.

“It is difficult for us to come to terms with and be vocal about the discrimination and apartheid of religious minorities in Pakistan – mostly because of fear. We fear the same persecution and ostracism they face almost on a daily basis,” he said.



He also added that one of the reasons is also that the separation of the minorities from the majority has spanned for generations.

“Another reason is that little progress has been made to humanize them beyond statistics and their obvious ‘otherness’ – a prejudice that has passed on from generation to generation,” he added.