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While you may have heard about various international and local documentaries being filmed in, or based in Pakistan, there’s a high chance you don’t know about My Pure Land, which is an upcoming modern-day feminist Western film –instead of a documentary – which tells an incredible true story.

Portraying the moment when Nazo Dharejo, a Pakistani woman, and one of the two daughters portrayed in the story, defended their land from the 200 heavily armed men that sought to claim it as a part of a familial feud, the film plays on the concept of a western, and in sheer brilliance brings the story forward with a great aesthetic.

The narrative of the film alternates between the stand off itself and the events which led up to it, while also focusing on Nazo’s strength and her resolve. According to The Independent, this marks British-Pakistani director Sam Masud’s debut in Pakistan, who has shot My Pure Land in a guerilla style genre.

Evoking the spirit of John Ford, My Pure Land is a ‘tense, claustrophobic drama’ that is set to release in UK cinemas on 15th September and stars Suhaee Abro amongst others. However, whether the film ever releases in Pakistan, is still a question one doesn’t know the answer to.

You can check out the trailer for the film here: