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We have lost some of the finest artistes and renowned figures in 2020, both locally and internationally, who belonged to the worlds of entertainment, music, sports, fashion, literature and arts. As the year has been devastating, singer-cum-actor Farhan Saeed has taken a step to boost our morale by paying a tribute to the legendary artists who are still among us.

Farhan aims to celebrate the living legends of Pakistan who we love, admire and aspire to become. The actor took to social media and shared his vision.

“Please support me in my humble attempt to celebrate Pakistan’s living legends – those who have selflessly served our country. I invite you to be part of my ode to their excellence and unmatched dedication and join me in saying thank you to them for all they have done,” he wrote on Instagram.



Firstly, he paid homage to legendary actor Muhammad Qavi Khan, who is also acting alongside him in his upcoming play, Prem Gali. Qavi Khan has been serving the country since 1952 and Farhan recently got an opportunity to work with him.

“Anyone who has worked with Qavi sahab would know his demeanor only commands utmost respect. He is an institution. For his exemplary body of work he has recently been decorated with a Pride of Performance by the Government of Pakistan,” Farhan wrote.



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As my first tribute to the #LivingLegends of Pakistan, I pay homage to @muhammadqavikhan sahab, the legenary actor par excellene who has been serving the country since 1952. I recently had the privilege of sharing the screen with him – both on television aswell as in a film. Anyone who has worked with Qavi sahab would know his demeanor only commands utmost respect. He is an institution. For his exemplary body of work he has recently been decorated with a Pride of Performance by the Government of Pakistan. He motivates younger actors by encouraging them to push the bar with each performance. To encourage us, Qavi sahab always tells us, we are better at what we do than his generation was. His wealth of experience is a guide book for those who have only just recently joined the industry. For these reasons and many more, I wish to pay tribute to him and I call on each of you to also celebrate the legend that he is. Post your ode to him across any social media platform #LivingLegendQaviKhan and be sure to tag me. I will repost your messages of appreciation as my thank you to him. In Qavi sahab’s own words: “Neeyat ki sachai or mohabbat may khaloos he mohabbat ka sadqa hai” #PakistaniHeroes

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“He motivates younger actors by encouraging them to push the bar with each performance. To encourage us, Qavi sahab always tells us, we are better at what we do than his generation was. His wealth of experience is a guide book for those who have only just recently joined the industry… In Qavi sahab’s own words: ‘Neeyat ki sachai or mohabbat may khaloos he mohabbat ka sadqa hai’,” he added,

Next, Farhan celebrated the Sufi legend Abida Parveen whose melodies have transcended borders for generations.

“Her soul-stirring voice and melodies have long had listeners across the globe in absolute awe. As a person, Abida ji embodies the very essence of Sufism. The few times I have had a chance to meet with her, I have witnessed first hand her absolute humility and respect for others. Be it another musician or a fan, everyone and anyone is extended the same warmth and courtesy by her,” he wrote.

Read: Indian music duo steal Farhan Saeed’s song Roiyaan



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Today I pay tribute to the one and the only , Abida Parveen Jee – a #LivingLegend whose immense talent transcends borders. Abida Parveen is globally recognized as an inconic representation of the Sufi genre. Her soul-stirring voice and melodies have long had listeners across the globe in absolute awe. As a person, Abida ji embodies the very essence of Sufism. The few times I have had a chance to meet with her, I have witnessed first hand her absolute humility and respect for others. Be it another muscian or a fan, everyone and anyone is extended the same warmth and courtesy by her. This undoubtedly the trademark of a true Sufi. Abida ji is ubdoubtedly a source of pride and inspiration for every Pakistani. Her ever-willingness to learn and teach others is incredible and a lesson for us all. She as paved the way for generations to come and pursue their journey. I too take inspiration from her unmatched passion – her work has always been a major source of inspiration and motivation for me. I request you to extend your gratitude to Abida ji by celebrating her contributions to music and to Pakistan. Share your favourite qawali, song, verses anything that you would like to be highlighted and I’ll reshare that on my stories. Thank you, Abida ji for saying it like it is – undoubtedly ……. “Dhoondo Gay Agar Mulkon Mulkon Milne Ke Nahi Nayab Hain Hum” @abidaparveenofficial #LivingLegends #PakistaniHeroes

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“Abida ji is undoubtedly a source of pride and inspiration for every Pakistani. Her ever-willingness to learn and teach others is incredible and a lesson for us all. She as paved the way for generations to come and pursue their journey. I too take inspiration from her unmatched passion – her work has always been a major source of inspiration and motivation for me,” he added.

Farhan not only paid tributes on his social media accounts but he has encouraged his fans and followers to start a chain of tributes for Pakistani heroes by adding hashtag #LivingLegendQaviKhan or verses/ qawalis of Abida Parveen while tagging him on these posts that he will reshare on his stories.

It has only been two days since he has started posting these tributes and many more will follow. Farhan’s effort is commendable as we often neglect our stars when they are alive and 2020 has woken us up from slumber to rise to the occasion.