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Society expects women to look a certain way, act certain way and to dress a certain way. Well… that’s no more a rule as a woman should wear whatever makes her feel beautiful. With prominent actress Sana Javed as the face of the campaign, edenrobe aims to communicate the same with edenrobe WOMAN’s latest unstitched Spring/Summer collection – Let Women Be.


Let women be


Launched on March 9, ‘Let Women Be’ is a chant for change in which edenrobe has highlighted powerful women who stepped out of their comfort zones to achieve their goals in life. It brings forth real-life struggles of women and lifts them up to be confident beings. The purpose of the campaign is to shatter the pre-conceived notions in which women are cornered to stay at home. It highlights the double standards of our society where the hardworking homemakers who carry out inexhaustible chores are undervalued in comparison to men who have a 9 to 5 limited work-hour job.

‘Let Women Be’ also emphasizes to let women spread their wings and explore uncharted territories; be it anything from sports to security forces. It also touches upon the fact that if a woman is passionate about anything in life, which doesn’t fit in the role of a woman as predetermined by our society, then this doesn’t allow the community to treat her as an alien or make a mockery of the situation. The brand wants society to help women spread their wings and reach their fullest potential without labeling them or passing sneering comments at them. These women should enjoy equal rights to practice their freedom and move with the fast pace of society.

Any woman who is stepping out whether to work, to study, to play sports or simply to ride a bicycle or bike is not an anomaly. She is as much a part of the society as any man is and thus should be given equal opportunities and rights. edenrobe WOMAN’s initiative urges women to lead by example so that the world view changes. It wants us to let the women around us be confident, diligent, courageous and fearless beings to frame a better tomorrow for the future generations.


Let women be


‘Let Women Be’ is an encouraging enterprise which looks beyond the imagery of girls dancing at scenic views and in palatial houses clad in lawn joras. And since the narrative is relatable and relevant, celebrities and influencers are supporting the cause through placards asking society to #LetWomenBe. They are putting up posts about how stereotypical notions about women have misrepresented the gender as well demoralized them. For instance, physical attributes do not determine a girl’s worth and body shaming is a menace, travelling isn’t just the right of a man or families can take pride in girl’s achievements as well.


Let women be


‘Let Women Be’ is an assortment with an empowering theme and hence gives a contemporary twist to designs to represent brave women. edenrobe WOMAN stands tall with the cause of women emancipation. It tells women to write their own stories, achieve what they aspire for as no dream is too small or too big to be left in imagination. Make a mark in the pursuit of what enlivens your spirit. Don’t live in the fear of the consequences as your courage is your armour.

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