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The inevitable has finally happened: Cannes Film Festival has been postponed.

The was announced on Thursday that the festival is postponing its 2020 edition scheduled to be held from May 12-23, marking one of the biggest business and entertainment event casualties of the coronavirus. Organizers said they are now eyeing dates in late June to early July instead of their traditional mid-May slot.

Here’s the statement from the festival according to entertainment portal Deadline:

“At this time of global health crisis, our thoughts go to the victims of the COVID-19 and we express our solidarity with all of those who are fighting the disease. Today, we have made the following decision: The Festival de Cannes cannot be held on the scheduled dates, from May 12 to 23. Several options are considered in order to preserve its running, the main one being a simple postponement, in Cannes, until the end of June-beginning of July, 2020.”



Until now, Cannes has tried to maintain a business-as-usual approach and was considering movies for selection. But in recent weeks public events in France have cancelled and the shifting of the world’s biggest film festival felt inevitable as the gravity of the pandemic becomes starker by the day. France is currently in lockdown and has recorded thousands of cases of the coronavirus.

Read: Coronavirus update: Idris Elba tests positive & Met Gala gets postponed indefinitely


In other news:


Indira Varma from Game of Thrones



Game of Thrones star Indira Varma has revealed that she has tested positive for coronavirus. Her diagnosis comes two days after fellow Game of Thrones actor Kristofer Hivju also said that he tested positive for the COVID-19 infection.

Varma, who played the role of Ellaria Sand in the epic HBO series, took to Instagram on Wednesday to share the news. “I’m in bed with it and it’s not nice. Stay safe and healthy and be kind to your fellow people,” she wrote.



Itziar Ituño from Money Heist



Itziar Ituño, one of the key cast members of Money Heist, announced she tested positive for coronavirus in an Instagram post. The Spanish actress plays Inspector Raquel Murillo on the popular Netflix show.

“I’ve had the symptoms since Friday afternoon. and today we got the test results which came back positive,” Ituño wrote in the caption, which was initially written in Spanish, Basque, and Portuguese.

The 45-year-old actress assured her fans that her case is mild, but emphasized that the same can’t be said for everyone else’s. “Do not take it lightly, there are lives at stake and we still do not know how far this will go,” she wrote.


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Aupa danoi!! Ofiziala da, bariku arratsaldetik sintomekaz nabil (sukarra ta eztul lehorra) eta gaur iritsi jaku azterneta epidemiologikoaren konfirmaziñoa. Koronabirusa da. Nire kasuan arina da ta ondo nago baina oso oso kutsakorra eta super arriskutsua ahulago dagoen jendearentzako. Hau ez da tontakeria, izan konsziente, ez hartu arinkeriaz, hildakoak dauz eta bizi asko jokoan eta ondiño ez dakigu noraiño helduko dan kontua, beraz, arduratsuak izateko txertoa ipinteko garaia da danon hobebeharrez. Elkartasun garaia da! Etxean geratzekoa eta babestu besteak! Orain 15 egun berrogeialdi eta aurrerago ikusiko da✊❤.Zaindu zaitezte!!😙😙😙😙/ Hola a tod@s!! Ez oficial, desde el viernes por la tarde tengo los síntomas (fiebre y tos seca) y hoy nos ha llegado la confirmación del test epidemiológico. És coronavirus. Mi caso es leve y estoy bien pero es muy muy contagioso y superpeligroso para la gente que está más debil. Ésto no es tontería, ser conscientes, no lo tomeis a la ligera, hay muertos, muchas vidas en juego y aún no sabemos hasta donde va a llegar ésto por lo que ha llegado la hora de ponerse la vacuna de la responsabilidad por el bien común. Es tiempo de solidad y generosidad! De quedarse en casa y proteger a los demás. Ahora me tocan 15 dias en cuarentena y después ya se verá✊❤! Cuidaros mucho😙😙😙😙/ Olá galera! Ez oficial, desde sexta-feira à tarde tenho sintomas (febre e tosse seca) e hoje recebemos confirmação do teste epidemiológico. É um coronavírus. Meu caso é leve e estou bem, mas é muito muito contagioso e super perigoso para pessoas que são mais fracas. Isso não é bobagem, esteja ciente, não leve a sério, há mortos, muitas vidas em jogo e ainda não sabemos até que ponto isso vai dar, então chegou a hora de ser vacinado pela responsabilidade pelo bem comum . É um tempo de solidão e generosidade! Ficar em casa e proteger os outros. Agora tenho 15 dias em quarentena e depois será visto✊❤! Cuide-se😙😙😙😙 #etxeangeratu #yomequedoencasa #quedatencasa

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